4th of July Gender Reveal for Baby #2!

I haven’t been as public with this pregnancy as my last, but it’s not because I haven’t wanted to! It was hard to film videos at our old apartment, but now that we’ve moved I have more time and more flexibility in my schedule.

Basically, stay tuned for a lot more pregnancy videos of Baby #2!

I waited until I was 20 weeks pregnant to have our ultrasound and big gender reveal. Why did I wait so long, you ask? Well, I don’t want to be one of those stories you hear about when the couple is told one gender, but it turns out to be the opposite. Nate and I both have patience too, so we are okay waiting a couple more weeks just to be sure.

In addition, I love celebrating big events on holidays! I find that it’s easier for everyone to be in the same place so planning it out for Independence Day was perfect for us. We also had several family members on a Zoom call in order for them to see the reveal at the same time.

Having our gender reveal on the Fourth of July meant that all the decorations were already red, white, and blue. We really didn’t have to put in that much effort.

What makes a gender reveal great are the decorations and the big reveal moment. Continue reading below to learn how we did ours.

Or watch the video below for the full gender reveal!


We held our gender reveal at Nate’s sister’s house. Due to that, they already had their own Independence Day decorations up that were conveniently the right colors (red, white, and blue).

The only two details we added was a Rice Krispy cake that one of my friends made and a voting station.

Doesn’t the cake look awesome? The inside was layered with green and pink Rice Krispy’s and the top has melted Jolly Ranchers. It was delicious!

I made the voting station by wrapping an empty box in white wrapping paper. Then I typed up the ballots, had them printed, and cut. One of my favorite parts is seeing what people thought the gender was going to be.

Gender Reveal Rice Krispy cake Fourth of July Gender Reveal ballot box Baby ballot gender reveal

Big Reveal

As you saw in the video, only my sister McKenzie knew what the gender was beforehand. She was put in charge of the actual reveal and I think she did an amazing job!

Because our ultrasound was on Thursday and the gender reveal was on Saturday, she didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. However, she did know that she wanted to use fireworks so she could at least plan out which kind to purchase.

I had no idea she would get such a big box of them!

One of the things I’ve learned from participating in our three (yes, three reveals and only two pregnancies) gender reveals is that the reveal has to be something that is obvious and clear. Fireworks are just that.


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44 thoughts on “4th of July Gender Reveal for Baby #2!

  1. What a great idea to combine a big event with a holiday. Most of the planning work is already done and it’s a good time to be with loved ones anyway.

  2. I love doubling up holidays too. My high school always did graduation on Memorial Day weekend, so it always worked out to have a long weekend to celebrate because anyone that lived a little farther away could actually come.

  3. So fun! Congrats on your baby girl!! My daughter and son in law did their gender reveal in July too. It’s a girl also!! We are so excited. ❀️

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