5 Things to do in a Ski Town Other Than Ski

If you didn’t know, Utah is known for having the “Greatest Snow on Earth.” It claims that title due to all the tourists (and locals) that come to the mountains just to ski or snowboard. In fact, the snow is so great that Park City, Utah hosted the Winter Olympics back in 2002.

We live only 30 minutes from Park City, but don’t often visit in the wintertime because we wouldn’t go to ski. Don’t get me wrong, I like skiing and want to go again. However, we have a two year old and a newborn right now so paying for ski tickets wouldn’t be worth it for us right now.

Do you live in or near a ski town as well?

Park City is honestly one of my favorite places in Utah (which is a really big deal) and not skiing wasn’t going to stop me from visiting! We took a day trip last Saturday and had so much fun together! Keep up with my Instagram Stories to see πŸ™‚

There are many fun things you could do, but I will outline just a few of them for you below. These 5 activities you can do besides ski works in any ski town or resort you may be in. I hope you have fun not skiing too!

5 Things to do in a ski town other than ski

#1: Take a Walk/Drive

Perhaps the easiest item on this list is to take a simple walk or drive. Walking will allow you breathe in fresh air, get a little exercise, and really feel the snow that’s around you. Or you can opt for staying in a warm car and drive. Driving also allows you to rock out to your favorite music! Either way, snow is absolutely gorgeous and not taking a good moment to appreciate it would be regretful.

Luckily for us, our half hour drive to Park City was good enough. We could see the snow on the mountains build as we got closer, which also increased our excitement!

Park City Road Trip Swaner Nature Preserve

#2: Stroll Down Main Street

Let’s be real, every town has a Main Street, right? And what better way to experience the town than to walks its streets? I don’t consider this the same as the walk above, but it can give you a nice pep in your step.

I’m not much of a window shopper (especially if I know I won’t buy anything), but I do love getting a nice cup of hot chocolate from a local shop and looking through different souvenir stores. Park City actually does an Art Gallery Stroll every month where you can see the latest installations, have some refreshments, and meet local artists.

Park City Main Street Park City Utah Main Street

#3: Take Local Transportation

This does not mean take a taxi, unless you’re in New York and that is the local transportation. You can get creative with this one, but most ski towns or resorts offer sleigh rides, horseback rides, or even dog sledding. Wouldn’t that be super fun?

In a town close to Park City, there is a historic train, Heber Valley Railroad, that you can ride. It’s very kid-friendly and family-oriented, with rides about 1.5 hours long that take you through the valley and along a reservoir. If you are willing to do a little research beforehand, you might be able to find something like this for your family to enjoy.

#4: Visit a Museum

Most places have a town/city museum. Park City has the Park City Museum that is full of its history and unique facts. On our most recent trip though, we went to the Swaner Nature Preserve. Inside, there was an exhibit from the Smithsonian all about water and how it influences landscapes and animals. They even had a Spanish option! It also has an observation tower where you can look over acres of land.

Local museums are good ways to stay inside and warm, not to mention very educational for you and your kids!

Swaner Nature Preserve Swaner Nature Preserve

#5: Build a Snowman

Your kids will love this one! Although snow for skiing is very different from snow for building, it’s still snow. (Even my husband Nate agreed that snow from Maryland, where I grew up, is way better for building snowmen than the snow in Utah). Nonetheless, you could make it into a competition and see which snowman is bigger or has more personality.

Another option is to see if there are any snow/ice sculptures near you. We are lucky enough to live near an Ice Castles attraction so we try to visit that each year.

Snowman Ice Castles Utah


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52 thoughts on “5 Things to do in a Ski Town Other Than Ski

  1. I live in New Mexico, so am very familiar with the ski towns of Taos and Santa Fe. The snow here in the dry high desert of the Southwest is far superior to eastern snow – powdery and dry rather than icy.
    Good suggestions for apres ski activities!

  2. Great ideas! I leave the skiing to Hubby, and the kids and I go about other snow-related activities… usually skating, tubing or tobogganing!

  3. These are great. My family wants to visit the snow but we aren’t really skiers so probably wouldn’t ski. So these are great for us!

  4. I love this! I pinned for an idea for a family vacation! I love that there is so much to do! Thank you for sharing such a cool experience!

  5. We love Utah. Haven’t make it to Park City yet. There is always great dining and apres ski fun to join in too.

  6. I’d love to learn to do but like you I have little babies. Sometimes I feel like I’m cheating my older boys out of the fun because of the younger ones. These are really cool things we could do instead. Thank you.

    1. I can totally relate to that! I hope eventually we can experience everything with our kids, just not today πŸ™‚

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