Do you ever wonder how to schedule your morning with a newborn baby? When do they eat, sleep, and play? Read about Mariah’s experience here and watch her video showing you exactly how she does it!
Category: Family Life

Why Having a Baby Doesn’t Have to be Hard
Are you concerned about how your life will change after having a baby? Let Mariah share her thoughts on how her and her husband can still live the same lives even after their baby boy was born.

3 Life Lessons I Learned From My Mom
Now that she’s becoming a mom herself, Mariah talks about 3 life lessons she learned from her mother and what she will pass on to her own children. Happy Mother’s Day!

My Prenatal Depression Symptoms and How I Treated Myself
Mariah opens her heart and shares her personal story dealing with depression and anxiety during pregnancy and how to pull yourself out of the slums. Read more now!

Big News: I’m Pregnant!
Transferring schools and moving are the least concern for Mariah and her husband as they discover they are pregnant! Start following their baby journey now to get the latest updates.