6 Items You Need for a Happy Beach Day with Babies & Toddlers

Sometimes the idea of going to a beach (or anywhere, really) can be daunting when you have little children. I’m always fortune telling that the baby won’t like the sun, the toddler won’t like the water, and I won’t like them by the end!

But don’t let the fear of something bad happening stop you from having fun!

My happy place is being anywhere with sand and water, aka the beach. It started when my family lived in New Jersey for a couple years when I was around 8 years old. We only lived 30 minutes away from Atlantic City so we could have fun, quick, and easy days at the beach.

Now I live in Utah, where there is not an ocean beach close by, but there are plenty of lakes and reservoirs to take advantage of! Our most recent beach day was at Blackridge Reservoir in Herriman, Utah πŸ™‚

So if you’re wanting to take your babies and toddlers to the beach, try to plan ahead and bring these special items!

[Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by IFFEI, but all opinions are my own.]

6 Items You Need for a Happy Beach Day with Babies and Toddlers

#1: Spray Sunscreen

It doesn’t matter what skin tone you have, everybody needs sunscreen. We prefer a spray sunscreen for the sole reason that it is soooo much easier to apply. My husband uses an SPF 100 because he burns super fast, but I am naturally more tan so I don’t use as much.

My big recommendation with young children though is to have specific sunscreen for kids. We use Coppertone SPF 50 for them and it works well.

Pro Tip: Apply sunscreen on babies or toddlers while they are eating because they won’t move and fuss as much!

Mother Daughter on beach

#2: Matching Swimsuits

To be honest, I was never into the idea of matching as a family until I had kids. When my husband and I first got married, he bought us both bright pink knee high socks because he thought they would be fun to wear. Unfortunately I didn’t and never wore them (sorry!)

Currently, I think it’s fun to wear matching clothes as a way to show off my family. But more than that, it can actually be a great way to stay safe during your big beach day.

As you can see, these swimsuits that we have from IFFEI are bright pink and white – kind of hard to miss. I love it because my son can easily scan the crowd and find me or his dad, and vice versa.

French Family at the beach

#3: Laundry Basket

This trick is amazing! My husband initially thought I was crazy when I brought it up, but it honestly is so nice.

If you have babies, bring a laundry basket to the beach. It works as a mini-crib for newborns and allows them to lie down without the fear of wind or sand in their faces. For added protection, simply line a towel on the inside of the basket to ensure that less sand gets in.

With older babies who can sit up, you can also place the basket right on the edge of the water so they can feel it going in and out. It’s like a Montessori heaven!

#4: Beach Toys

I do believe that buying a specific toy set just for the beach isn’t necessary. Ours was given to us or else we wouldn’t have had it. However, I do believe that having some sort of toy that toddlers can play with at the beach is very useful.

If you don’t have a set or don’t want to buy one, other household items like bowls, cups, and spoons, can work great!

Pro Tip: If your kids are afraid of water, toys are a great way for them to feel comfortable around it and ease themselves into the waves.

Father and Son at the beach

#5: Beach Towels

Yes, this one may be obvious, but they are a thing for a reason. Beach towels are bigger and normally made thinner than regular towels. That helps if you are using it for multiple people (one parent and one child, for instance).

I think it’s also a great idea to have beach towels that your children like. My daughter is too young to care still, but my son has one with sharks on it. He knows that it’s his and he can easily spot it on the sand if he’s in the water.

#6: Snacks & Water

This is a must if you do anything with kids at all! Especially in the sun though, you are going to need extra snacks, water, and food for the baby. That helps to not only keep everyone healthy, but also in good moods.

I don’t know about you, but I like everyone to stay happy so I can take more smiling pictures of them πŸ™‚

Mother and son at the beach


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38 thoughts on “6 Items You Need for a Happy Beach Day with Babies & Toddlers

  1. Great ideas! The first time I ever wore a matching outfit (outside of Halloween or spirit days growing up) was when I first got married. My husband and I got β€˜Husband’ and β€˜Wife’ shirts. Somehow family changes everything!

  2. Great tips! Love the laundry basket tip, I can imagine this is very helpful! We spend a lot of time down at the beach, and spray sunscreen is a must. Besides being much easier to apply you don’t end up having to rub sticky lotion on with sand on your hands.

    1. I hope you can still enjoy beach days with your boys even if they are a little bigger now πŸ™‚

  3. I also like spray sunscreen when I’m paddling or hiking around in my water shoes. No more sunburned feet: it’s easy to spray them with your water shoes still on.

  4. That laundry basket is truly brilliant! Wish I had thought of that ‘back in the day’! My family has done the matching outfits for Disney or Universal trips. Hubby like the idea, but I always found it corny! I do, however, agree with the bright colours! My kids have neon winter hats for when we go ice skating, for this EXACT reason! LOL

    1. Is your husband more extraverted like mine is? I’m sure your kids appreciate your smart thinking about the neon ski hats!

  5. Great ideas. Love the idea of the laundry basket. Yes snacks is a must with 4 boys. Can’t wait to go to the beach now!

    1. Yes! Instead of balancing everything on the way to and from the car, using the laundry basket makes it so much easier.

  6. This took me back to my asu in Accra. My kiddos and I went to the beach every Saturday. And yes we did Almost everything on this list. We didn’t have matching suits though

  7. Great suggestions. I like the laundry basket idea and it can also be used to carry everything. I love the matching swimsuit idea also. You sound like a very thoughtful and organized mom.

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