8 Stroller-Friendly Hikes in Moab, Utah

At the beginning of the year, Nate and I made a list of places we wanted to visit. Due to his work schedule though, we had to start more locally in Utah. However, we are planning more trips outside of Utah for later this year so be sure to subscribe so you won’t miss them!

Back in February, we spent a weekend in Moab, Utah. It was amazing! We also got the chance to stay at Aarchway Inn, which made our trip even more special. It was right outside of Arches National Park so the view outside our window was astounding.

Our reasoning behind choosing Moab to visit was 1) I had never been there before, and 2) we both felt like exploring a part of Earth that we aren’t used to. If you didn’t know, the city of Moab is in the southern tip of Utah and is full of classic red rock – the kind you see in old Western movies. In fact, a lot of movies are actually filmed in Moab! (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Mission Impossible II, Star Trek, and The Lone Ranger, to name a few).

A lot of people told us we should use a carrier instead of a stroller, but Nate has a bad back and I was not about to carry Parker the entire time! He is not a baby anymore!

Granted, we have a running stroller that makes it a ton easier to push on trails.

As I started to do research on which hikes we could do with a stroller, it was actually very difficult. I couldn’t find any stroller-friendly information. So after looking at a lot of sites (and the parks own visitor maps), I created my own list.

Pro Tip: If you don’t find anything under “stroller-friendly,” your next best option is to search for “ADA Accessible.” Either way, you know that wheels can travel easily.

Here is a list of 8 stroller-friendly hikes you can do in Moab, Utah.

8 Stroller-Friendly Hikes in Moab, Utah

Arches National Park

Balanced Rock

Only 0.3 miles long, this fully paved trail leads around the bottom of Balanced Rock. Nate took the stroller around so I could get a better view. It simply is amazing to see how the world produces such masterpieces!

Balanced Rock in Arches National Park

Double Arch

This path is 0.5 miles long and mostly paved. When you get to the base of Double Arch, it turns into sand. Remember, we used a running stroller so it was a little easier to maneuver. Also, there are two parking lots here, one above and one below. If you park at the first one you see, the one above, you will either have to take the stairs down or walk by the side of the road to the next parking lot where the trail starts.

Double Arch at Arches National Park Double Arch at Arches National Park

Delicate Arch Viewpoints

Delicate Arch is the most famous rock structure in Arches National Park. We eventually made the full trek up, but left the stroller in the car. Luckily though, there are two viewpoints that are stroller-friendly. The Lower Viewpoint is only 100 feet long and paved. The Upper Viewpoint is 0.5 miles long with mostly hard-packed dirt.

Delicate Arch Viewpoint at Arches National Park

Dead Horse State Park

Nature Trail

This simple trail sits right behind the Visitor Center at Dead Horse State Park. At 0.13 miles long, it is completely paved, goes in a full circle, and has signs throughout the path that describe the nature you see. It is so pretty!

Nature Trail at Dead Horse State Park

Dead Horse Point Overlook

As the most popular spot, this 200 foot long path overlooks the green Colorado River. It is paved to get to the viewpoint, but there are a lot of areas around it that are not paved. We took Parker out of the stroller here so he could walk over the rocks with us.

Overlook at Dead Horse State Park

Colorado River Overlook

At 1 mile long, this trail is not always paved. There are natural rock potholes and dirt that also dot the path. Since we had a running stroller, it was a lot easier to move through it. I highly recommend having a running stroller!

Family trail at Dead Horse State Park Dead Horse State Park

Bonus Trails

Scott and Norma Matheson Wetlands Preserve

Although we never made it to this preserve due to time restrictions, it’s one that’s still on my bucket list. Because of its massive size of 894 acres, there are over 200 species of birds, amphibians, and mammals that calls the wetlands home. As you take the 0.6 mile paved trail around, you are bound to see a ton of animals and plants.

Moab Giants

This museum is sure to be loads of fun for kids and adults alike. We actually passed by it on our way to Dead Horse State Park and could see the hundred dinosaurs outside the building. Their outdoor trail is 0.5 miles long and covered with dinosaur replicas and footprints along the way.


Let me know if you have taken any of these hikes and which one is your favorite! Do you know of anymore stroller-friendly trails in Moab, Utah?

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12 thoughts on “8 Stroller-Friendly Hikes in Moab, Utah

  1. I have never visited this park, but it is definitely on my list. I was not sure how family friendly hiking it would be, so thanks so much for the tips and photos!

    1. You’re very welcome! It can be very family friendly as long as you are prepared πŸ™‚

  2. I would love to visit Utah one day! I recently became curious because I follow a chef who recently went to hike in Utah also and visited a Native American to talk over wisdom and learned about Mayan archaeology. I actually wouldn’t have known where to start but I am keeping Moab on my list!

  3. This place looks lovely! So many amazing sights! We have so much to discover in the U.S. when we return. It’s always nice to venture to new places with unique landscapes. Thanks for taking us along!

    1. Yeah, it’s amazing what we can find when we look in our own backyard! Although outside of America is beautiful as well πŸ™‚

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